"Slowing Down, Turning Up: Parallel Journeys"
April 18 - 22, 2015
"In the Presence of a Stranger Methodology: A Co-Inquiry into Interdisciplinarity"
July 16 - 23, 2013
We hypothesize that interdisciplinarity is a nomadic "third space" for encounters with 'strangers' in the form of methods with real people who practice them. Entering "third space' has many challenges such as disidentification and witnessing (and/or wit(h)nessing) "the Other," as well as rationally analyzing similarities and diffferences of disciplines and their methodologies.
As artists/researchers/teachers, we explore the processes and emergent question that may help articulate a more nuanced and problematic view of interdisciplinarity methodology, and flirt with meta-methodological frameworks that may step-in and hold" third space" inquiries in this arts-based lab setting, compared to what is usually experienced or allowed in academic discourse surrounding and practice interdisciplinarity.